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We are holding our bee course on the 10 FEB | 3 Mar. Any beginner beekeepers are welcome! Register now for our full day bee course with 60min open hive inspection experience!


If you're looking for professionally made bee hives you can find them at Beehives dot coza .


Call: +27 12 771 4288|

083 308 0042|


Sitemap| Bee Course | Bee Supplies | Honey pot | Queen excluder | Wax sheets | Frame Wire

Bee Hive Accessories

Bee hives have been around for centuries in different shapes, designs and sizes. It wasn't until the Langstroth design that the bee hive actually became standardised. There are still many different types of bee hive in use across the world.

The mainstream beehive designs used in South Africa are the Langstroth beehive & Jackson Beehive. The Langstroth Bee hive hasn't been changed much since its first inception in the 1800s. Small changes have been made do incorporate aluminium covers, the type of weather protection used on the wood and the use of a queen excluder to prevent egg laying in the super chamber.

The bee hive made beekeeping manageable as before the advent of the bee hive, bee colonies would be raided for their golden liquid and usually the colony would be destroyed in the process. This created the need for a manageable method to keep bees, transport them and harvest honey from them without causing damage or destruction to the bee colony.

The inclusion of frame wire across the frames within the beehive provide added support for the honeycomb and brood comb which tends to get extremely heavy as it is filled. From time to time, your frame wire will break and need replacing. That's where frame wire rolls come in handy. Keep one or two to conduct routine and emergency frame repair. Get more on Frame Wire Rolls now...

Not much has changed with regards to the Langstroth design in the last century other than the introduction of innovations such as plastic frames, plastic queen excluders and the like. These are merely modifications of the base design. The Jackson bee hive brings new concepts and a change in approach as to the management and internal workings of the bee colony. Get more info on queen excluders now...

Many beekeepers like to help their honey bees by providing them a base to build on using a wax foundation sheet. It is a mould of the same shape and size of cells inside a normal bee hive colony. It simply speeds the process of building comb and harvesting honey. Some bee hive manufacturers use an entire wax sheet in their frames however we prefer to provide a simple starter wax foundation strip only. Get more on wax foundation sheets now...

Find out more about bee hives...



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